Pre-2013 Posts
November 4-6, 2013. Graduate Students Nowfel Mahmud Bhuyian and Nasrin Alamdari presented their research findings at the TN AWRA's Water Resources Symposium. Nowfel presented his resarch talk titled: An Approach for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Correction by Improving Channel Conveyance in Cumberland River, Tennessee and Nasrin presented her research talk titled: Evaluating the performance of AnnAGNPS Model in simulating surface runoff: Case Study of Obed River Watershed. PhD student Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf presented a poster titled:Integrated 2D Flood Simulation and Spatial Compromise Programming for Assessment of Flood Control Alternatives. The conference was held at Montogomery Bell State Park, Burns TN, during November 4-6, 2013.
October 2013. Mr. Ebrahim Ahamadisharaf receives TTU's Kandy Thevar International Engineering Graduate Student Scholarship.
August 2013. Kalyanapu Research Group welcomes Ms. Nasrin Alamdari and Mr. Tistu Tsige Dullo into the research group. Nasrin is pursuing her MS on water quality modeling and understanding the impacts of stressors such as climate change and urbanization on watershed quality. Tigstu is pursuing his PhD and focusing of advanced scientific computations and high performance computing.
July 2013. TTU helping city planners with environmentally sustainable growth in Obed Watershed region.
July 2013. Mr. Nowfel Mahmud Bhuyian, currently working on his MS, wins second prize at the 2013 Water Professionals Conference during July 14-17, 2013, at Louisville, KY.
May 2013. Mr. Nowfel Mahmud Bhuyian, currently working on his MS wins the prestigious Ivanhoe Fellowship. Click here for more information.
April 2013. Dr. Kalyanapu's graduate students Nowfel and Ebrahim was selected as one of the three winners of the 2013 ASDSO Student Paper Competition. They submitted a paper titled "Impact of spatial resolution on downstream flood hazard due to dam break events using probabilistic flood modeling" that focused on investigating the impact of spatial resolution on the relative accuracy of downstream flood hazard after a dam break event.
March 2013. Dr. Kalyanapu presented a research paper titled "Confessions of a novice Class Room Technology (CRT) user: Through the eyes of a new faculty member", at the 2013 ASEE South Eastern Annual Conference at Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville on March 11th, 2013. The presentation was recorded earlier and it can be viewed by clicking on this link here.
Fall 2012. Dr. Kalyanapu is invited to service as Associate Editor for the Special Issue Publicaiton of Earth Interactions Online Journal titled “Human Impact on Climate Extremes for Water Resources Infrastructure Design, Operations and Risk Management”. Earth Interactions Journal is published jointly by American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Meteorological Society (AMS) and American Association of Geographers (AAG).
Fall 2012. Dr. Kalyanapu is selected to service in the Executive Committee of ASCE Computational Hydraulics Committee.
September 13, 2012. Dr. Kalyanapu is invited to visit the US Army's Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) in Vicksburg, MS. During the visit, he gave a talk titled "Two-Dimensional Modeling of Floods using Flood2D-GPU: Challenges and Advances" that focused on the computational challenges and issues with uncertainty in flood modeling and the future trends in probablistic flood modeling.
August 2012. Mr. Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf joins Dr. Kalyanapu's research team. Ebrahim is a PhD student in CEE Department. He hails from Tehran, Iran, and graduated his Masters degree at Sharif University in Tehran, Iran.
August 2012. Mr. Md. Nowfel Mahmud Bhuyian joins Dr. Kalyanapu's research team. Nowfel is an MS student in CEE Department. He hails from Dhaka, Bangladesh, and graduated his Bachleors degree at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Spring 2012. Dr. Kalyanapu is elected as the Secretary of the TN American Water Resources Association (AWRA). More information regarding TN AWRA can be found here.
April 22, 2012. Dr. Kalyanapu gives technical talk titled "Two-Dimensional Modeling of Floods: Challenges and Advances" at US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, Nashville, TN.
February 22, 2012. Dr. Kalyanapu delivers a guest lecture titled "Modeling Floods: Challenges and Advances in the 21st Century" at Sigma Xi TTU Chapter, at TTU.
February 8, 2012. Dr. Kalyanapu is invited to present a talk titled "Application of HEC-RAS in Floodplain Mapping and Management" in CEE 4440 (Water Resources Engineering) in CEE at TTU.
October 17, 2011. Dr. Kalyanapu's research paper titled "Monte Carlo flood modeling framework for estimating probability weighted flood risk." is accepted for publication in Journal of Flood Risk Management. It can be downloaded here.
October 4, 2011. Dr. Kalyanapu presents an invited talk titled "Water Resources Engineering, Modeling and Simulation" at TTU ASCE Student Chapter in CEE at TTU.
September 20, 2011. Dr. Kalyanapu presents a research presentation titled "Annualized Risk Analysis Approach to Recommend Appropriate Level of Flood Control" at CEE 6910, Graduate Seminar in CEE at TTU.
August 1 2011. Dr. Alfred Kalyanapu joins Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Tennessee Technological University (TTU)