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Disclaimer: The documents contained in this publication list are included only as a means of ensuring timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all other rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that these works are offered here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying or downloading this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted or used in any other way without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. 


Manuscripts in Preparation and Under Review

*indicates students


Brackins*, J. T., VandenBerge, D. R., and Kalyanapu, A. J. "Considering Revised Joint Probability Parameter Method Weighting Schema: A Re-evaluation of Joint Probability Distribution for North Carolina Combined Flood Risk Study, Part I", in preparation.

Dhanvada*, V. A., Datta, T., and Kalyanapu, A. J. "GIS-based Algorithm for Vulnerability Assessment for Agricultural Watersheds in Tennessee", in preparation.

Owusu*, C., Snighda*, N. J., Martin*, M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. "Surface water extent change detection using remote sensing techniques and Google Earth Engine", in preparation.

Snighda*, N. J., Owusu*, C., Martin*, M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. "Remote Sensing applications for wetland restoration process evaluation", in preparation.

Martin*, M., Snighda*, N. J., Owusu*, C., and Kalyanapu, A. J. "HEC-RAS based Hydrodynamic analysis for rating curve developments for wetland water budget estimation", in preparation.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

*indicates students

42. Owusu*, C., Masto, N. M., Kalyanapu, A. J., Murdock, J. N., and Cohen, B. S. (2024). Shallow Water Depth Estimation of Inland Wetlands Using Landsat 8 Satellite Images, Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(16):2986.

41. Darkwah*, G. K., Kalyanapu A, and Owusu* C. (2024). Machine Learning-Based Flood Forecasting System for Window Cliffs State Natural Area, Tennessee. GeoHazards. 2024; 5(1):64-90.

40. Sharif, M.B., Hines, T., Ghafoor, S., Morales-Hernández, M., Dullo*, T. and Kalyanapu, A.(2023). A Performance Prediction Model for Structured Grid Based Applications in HPC Environments. In 2023 22nd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC) (pp. 77-84). IEEE. (full text available here)

39. Gangrade, S., Ghimire, G. R., Kao, S. -C., Morales-Hernández, M., Tavakoly, A. A., Gutenson, J. L., Sparrow, K. H., Darkwah*, G. K., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Follum, M. L. "Unraveling the 2021 Central Tennessee flood event using a hierarchical multi-model inundation modeling framework." Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023): 130157.

38. Sava, E., Cervone, G., and Kalyanapu, A. (2023). Multiscale Observation Product (MOP) for Temporal Flood Inundation Mapping of the 2015 Dallas Texas Flood. Remote Sensing, 15(6), 1615.

37. Kalyanapu, A., Owusu*, C., Wright, T., and Datta T. (2023). "Low-Cost Real-Time Water Level Monitoring Network for Falling Water River Watershed: A Case Study." Geosciences. 2023; 13(3):65.

36. Owusu*, C., Snigdha*, N. J., Martin*, M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2022). "PyGEE-SWToolbox: A Python Jupyter Notebook Toolbox for Interactive Surface Water Mapping and Analysis Using Google Earth Engine", Sustainability 2022, 14, 2557.

35. Dullo*, T. T., Zamani, K., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2022). "Reliability Assessment of Computational River Models", Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 148(6),DOI:

34. Dullo*, T. T., Darkwah*, G. K., Gangrade, S., Morales-Hernández, M., Sharif*, M. B., Kalyanapu, A. J., Kao, S.-C., Ghafoor, S., and Ashfaq, M.: Assessing climate-change-induced flood risk in the Conasauga River watershed: an application of ensemble hydrodynamic inundation modeling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 1739–1757,, 2021. (

33. Morales-Hernández, M., Sharif, M. B., Kalyanapu, A., Ghafoor, S. K., Dullo*, T. T., Gangrade, Z., Kao, S. –C., Norman, M. R., and Evans, K. J. (2021). "TRITON: A Multi-GPU Open Source 2D Hydrodynamic Flood Model", Environmental Modelling & Software, 141(2021): 105034

32. Dullo*, T. T., Gangrade, S., Morales-Hernández, M., Sharif, M. B., Kao, S. -C., Kalyanapu, A. J., Ghafoor, S., and Evans, K. J. (2021). "Simulation of Hurricane Harvey Flood Event through Coupled Hydrologic-Hydraulic Models: Challenges and Next Steps", Journal of Flood Risk Management, accepted for publication. Featured in PreventionWeb, managed by United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (

31. Bhuyian*, Md. N. M. and Kalyanapu, A. (2020). “Predicting Channel Conveyance and Characterizing Planform Using River Bathymetry via Satellite Image Compilation (RiBaSIC) Algorithm for DEM-Based Hydrodynamic Modeling”, Remote Sensing, 12(7), 2799;

30. Morales-Hernández, M., Sharif, M. B., Gangrade, S., Dullo*, T. T., Kao, S. –C., Kalyanapu, A., Ghafoor, S. K., Evans, K. J., Madadi-Kandjani, E., and Hodges, B. R. (2020). “High performance computing in water resources hydrodynamics”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 22(5), 1217-1235, DOI:

29. Sharif, M. B., Ghafoor, S. K., Hines, T. M., Morales-Hernández, Evans, K. J., Kao, S. –C., Kalyanapu, A.,  Dullo*, T. T., and Gangrade, S. (2020). “Performance Evaluation of a Two-Dimensional Flood Model on Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing Architectures”, In Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 8, 1–9. DOI: July 2020 - Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing 2020 (PASC20) Conference Best Paper Award – Sharif et al. (2020) (full text: Click here)

28. Brackins*, J. T. and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2019). “Evaluation of parametric precipitation models in reproducing tropical cyclone rainfall patterns” Journal of Hydrology, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124255.

27. Gangrade, S., Kao, S. -C., Dullo*, T. T., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Preston, B. L. (2019). “Ensemble-Based Flood Vulnerability Assessment for Probable Maximum Flood in a Changing Environment” Journal of Hydrology, Volume 576 (September 2019), Pages 342-355, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.027.

26. Bhuyian*, Md. N. M. and Kalyanapu, A. (2019). “Predicting channel conveyance in the Obion River Watershed using SAMBLE Method” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001875.

25. Ahmadisharaf*, E., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2019). "A coupled probabilistic hydrologic and hydraulic modelling framework to investigate the uncertainty of flood loss estimates", Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12(S2), DOI:10.1111/jfr3.12536. (full text: Click here

24. Marshall, R., Ghafoor, S. K., Kalyanapu, A. J., Rogers, M., and Dullo*, T. T. (2018). Performance Evaluation and Enhancements of a Flood Simulator Application for Heterogeneous HPC Environments, International Journal of Networking and Computing, 8(2), 387-407, DOI: 10.15803/ijnc.8.2_387. (full text: Click here)

23. Ahmadisharaf*, E., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Bates, P. D. (2018). “A probabilistic framework for floodplain mapping using hydrologic modeling and unsteady hydraulic modeling”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2018.1525615.

22. Ahmadisharaf*, E., Kalyanapu, A. J., Lillywhite, J. R., and Tonn, G. L. (2018). “A probabilistic framework to evaluate the uncertainty of design hydrograph: case study of Swannanoa River Watershed”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2018.1525616.

21. Bhuyian*, Md. N. M., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Hossain, F. (2017). "Evaluating Conveyance-Based DEM Correction Technique on NED and SRTM DEMs for Flood Impact Assessment of the 2010 Cumberland River Flood" Geosciences, 7(132), doi:10.3390/geosciences7040132.

20. Dullo*, T. T., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Teegavarapu, R. S. V. "Evaluation of Changing Characteristics of Temporal Rainfall Distribution within 24-hour Duration Storms and their influences on Peak Discharges: A Case Study of Asheville, North Carolina" Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 22(11):05017022.

19. Bhuyian*, Md. N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2017). "Accounting Digital Elevation Uncertainties for Flood Consequence Assessment" Journal of Flood Risk Management, DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12293. (full text: Click here)

18.Ahmadisharaf*, E. A., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Chung, Eun-Sung. (2017). “Sustainability-Based Flood Hazard Mapping of the Swannanoa River Watershed”, Sustainability, 9, 1735, doi:10.3390/su9101735.

17. Ahmadisharaf*, E., and Kalyanapu, A. J., Thames, B. A., and Lillywhite, J. (2016). "Application of a probabilistic framework for comparison of dam breach prediction methods", Environmental Modelling & Software Journal, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.09.022.

16. Ahmadisharaf*, E., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Chung, E.-S. (2016) "Spatial probabilistic multi-criteria decision making for assessment of flood management alternatives", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 533, 365-378, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.12.031.


15.Ahmadisharaf*, E., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Chung, E.-S. (2015). "Evaluating the effects of flood duration and velocity on selection of flood management alternatives using spatial multi-criteria decision making", Water Resources Management, 29(8), pp 2543-2561.


14. Bhuyian*, Md. N. M., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Nardi, F. "An Approach for Digital Elevation Models (DEM) Correction by Improving Channel Conveyance" Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001020.


13. Kalyanapu, A. J., D.R. Judi, T.N. McPherson, and S.J. Burian. (2014). Annualized risk analysis approach to recommend appropriate level of flood control: Application to Swannanoa River Watershed, Journal of Flood Risk Management, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12108. (full text: Click here)


12. Kalyanapu, A., A.K.M.A Hossain, J. Kim, W. Yigzaw, F. Hossain and C.K. Shum (2013). Investigating the downstream flood hazards on American River due to changes in Probable Maximum Flood due to effects of Artificial Reservoir Size and Land Use/Land Cover Patterns, Earth Interactions (AGU-AMS-AAG),17, 1–24. doi: (Sigma Xi Research Award Winner) (full text: Click here)


11. Yigzaw, W., F. Hossain, and A.J. Kalyanapu. (2013). Comparison of PMP-Driven Probable Maximum Floods with Flood Magnitudes due to Increasingly Urbanized Catchment: The Case of American River Watershed, Earth Interactions (AGU-AMS-AAG),17, 1–15. doi:


10. Burian, S.J., Walsh, T., Kalyanapu, A.J., and Larsen, S.G. (2013). “Climate vulnerabilities and adaptation of urban water infrastructure systems.” In: Climate Vulnerability (Pielke, R. Sr, Editor in Chief), Volume 5: Vulnerability of Water Resources to Climate, Hossain, F. (Editor), Elsevier Inc., Academic Press, 87-107p. (available online here: Link)


9. Kalyanapu, A. J. (2013). “Confessions of a novice Class Room Technology (CRT) user - Through the eyes of a new faculty member”, 2013 ASEE South Eastern Section Conference, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, March 10th – 12th, 2013.


8. Yigzaw, W., Hossain, F., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2012). "Impact of Artificial Reservoir Size and Land Use/Land Cover Patterns on Estimation of Probable Maximum Flood: The case of Folsom Dam on American River" Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000722).


7. Hossain, F., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2012). "Cities, Dams and Extreme Weather" Civil Engineering Magazine- ASCE, 82(12), 68-71.


6. Kalyanapu, A. J., Judi, D. R., McPherson, T. N., and Burian, S. J. (2011) "Monte Carlo based flood modelling framework for estimating probability weighted flood risk" Journal of Flood Risk Management, 5, 37-48. (Commended Paper in the Outstanding Paper Award category) (full text: Click here)


5. Kalyanapu, A. J., Shankar, S., Pardyjak, E. R., Judi, D. R., and Burian, S. J. (2011). "Assessment of GPU computational Enhancement to a 2D Flood Model." Environmental Modelling & Software, 26, 1009-1016.


4. Kalyanapu, A. J., Burian, S., and McPherson, T. (2009). "Effect of land use-based surface roughness on hydrologic model output." Journal of Spatial Hydrology, 9(2), 51-71. (full text: Click here)


3. Burian, S., Kalyanapu, A. J., Houdeshel, D., Judi, D., and Pomeroy, C. (2009). "Web-based virtual laboratory for water resources engineering education." American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference Proceedings, 14-17 June 2009, Austin, TX.


2. Judi, D., Kalyanapu, A. J., Gilliland, A., McPherson, T., and Burian, S. (2008). "Integration of SWMM into a dam break, hurricane, and extreme flood modeling and damage assessment framework." in Conceptual Modeling of Urban Water Systems, Monograph 17, CHI, Toronto, Canada, pp. 215-226.


1. Judi, D., Kalyanapu, A. J., Burian, S., Daniel, B., and McPherson, T. (2007). "Wide-area flood inundation and infrastructure risk assessment simulation framework." Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on Water Resources Management, pp. 182-186, Anaheim, CA.

Conference Proceedings and Final Project Reports (* indicates students)



94. Nur*, F., Darkwah*, G. K., Gangrade, S., Ghimire, G. R., Kao, S.-C., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2023). “Application of Triton-Lite, a deep-learning surrogate model for flood risk management”, 32nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Proc., 2023 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, April 12-14, 2023, Burns, TN.

93. Fordjour*, G. K., Darkwah*, G. K., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2023). “Flood early warning systems using machine learning techniques: The case of the Cumberland River at Ashland City, Tennessee”, 32nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Proc., 2023 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, April 12-14, 2023, Burns, TN.

92. Owusu*, C., and Kalyanapu. A. J. (2023). “Shallow water depth estimation in inland wetlands using LandSat imagery”, 32nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Proc., 2023 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, April 12-14, 2023, Burns, TN.

91. Ghimire, G. R., Gangrade, S., Kao, S. -C., Hernández, M. M., Kelleher, M., and A. J. Kalyanapu, A. J. Yoon, Y., Getirana, A., Kumar, S. V., and Weigel, J. (2023), Hydrodynamic Inundation Simulation for Large Global Watersheds – A Proof of Concept, American Meteorological Society 2023, 37th Conference on Hydrology, January 8-12, 2023, Denver, CO.


90. Gangrade, S., Ghimire, G. R., Kao, S. -C., Hernández, M. M., Kelleher, M., and A. J. Kalyanapu, A. J. (2022), Towards the Development of a High-Resolution Historical Flood Inundation Reanalysis Dataset for the Conterminous United States, American Geophysical Union 2022 Fall Meeting, December 12-16, 2022, Chicago, IL.

89. England*, B., Arms*, M., Brackins*, J., Kalyanapu, A.J. (2022). “Flood Risk Education in the Trace Creek Watershed Using HEC-RAS and ArcGIS Story Maps”. 17th Research and Creative Inquiry Day, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.

88. Arms*, M., England*, B. Brackins*, J. Kalyanapu, A.J. (2022). “Communicating Flood Risk with ArcGIS Story Maps Using the Trace Creek Watershed as a Case Study”. Virtual 2022 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium (TWRS). TNAWRA, Virtual.

87. Arms*, M., Datta, T. Kalyanapu, A.J. (2022). “Watershed-wide Stormwater Management Issues in an Underserved Community of Tennessee through Community-University Partnership.” 2022 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI), Atlanta, GA.

86. Arms*, M., Datta, T., Kalyanapu, A.J. (2022). “Investigating Stormwater Issues in a Rural TN Watershed through a Community-University Partnership Program.” 2022 AEESP Research & Education Conference, Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors (AEESP), St. Louis, MO.

85. England*, B. Arms*, M. Brackins*, J. Kalyanapu, A.J. (2022). “Flood Risk Education in the Trace Creek Watershed Using HEC-RAS and ArcGIS Story Maps”. 2022 Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference, KY/TN Section of AWWA and CWP-KT, Lexington, KY. 


84. Snigdha*, N. J., Martin*, M. T., Owusu*, C., Kalyanapu, A. J., & Murdock, J. (2021). “RS/GIS-Based Analyses for Wetland Restoration Evaluation: A Case Study of St. Arbor Slough Wetland” Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

83. Martin*, M. T., Owusu*, C., Snigdha*, N. J., Kalyanapu, A. J., & Murdock, J. (2021). “Development of a 2D Model in St. Arbor Wetland for an Assessment of Levee Breaching” Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

82. Brackins*, J. T., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2021). “Evaluation of Tropical Cyclone Flood Discharges Estimated with Rainfall from Parametric Models for Flood Risk Studies” Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

81. Kalyanapu, A. J., Kaczmarek*, C., Ravinutala*, V., and Ngernkuakal*, P. (2021). “Low-Cost, Real-Time Water Level Monitoring Network for Falling Water River Watershed”, Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

80. Darkwah*, G., & Kalyanapu, A. J. (2021). Automated Flood Forecasting System for Window Cliffs State Natural Area, TN. Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, 2021.

79. Darkwah*, G., Kalyanapu, A., Gangrade, S., Kao, S.-C., Sharif, M. B., Ghafoor, S., & Morales-Hernández, M. (2021). Development of a Deep Learning Surrogate Model in the TRITON Inundation Modeling Framework. AGU Fall Meeting 2021.

78. Owusu*, C., Snigdha*, N. J., Martin*, M. T., Kalyanapu, A. J., & Murdock, J. (2021). Reconstructing Historical Wetland Surface Water Hydrographs Through Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, And Cloud Computing. Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

77. Dhanvada*, V., A., Kalyanapu, A., J., Datta, T., and Adkins, J. (2021). “Development of a GIS-Based Watershed Vulnerability Assessment Tool for the Loosahatchie Watershed in Tennessee” Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

76. Arms*, M., Harris*, H, T., Kalyanapu, A., and Datta, T. (2021). “Watershed-Wide Stormwater Management in an Underserved Community of Tennessee Through Community-University Partnership” Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

75. Arms*, M. Harris*, H. Wright*, T. Datta, T. Kalyanapu, A.J. (2021). “Watershed-wide Stormwater Management in an Underserved Community of Tennessee through Community-University Partnership”. Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference, KY/TN Section of AWWA and CWP-KT, Chattanooga, TN.  

74. Arms*, M. Datta, T. Kalyanapu, A.J. (2021). “Watershed-wide Stormwater Management in an Underserved Community of Tennessee through Community-University Partnership”. Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Conference, AEESP, St. Louis, Missouri. *Accepted but cancelled due to COVID-19*

73. Murdock, J., Brown, R., Womble, S., Duwadi, S., Michael, M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2021). “Nutrient Recovery Trajectories of Restored Riparian Wetlands in Agricultural Watersheds” Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

72. Alexander, N. R., Baxley, D., Bradley, T., Brown, R., Duwadi, S., Flinn, M., Fore, J., Kalyanapu, A., Michael, M., Morris, S., Murdoc, J., Veum, K., Walker, D., Webb, L., Womble, S., and Whiteman, H. (2021). “Patterns of Microbial Assemblage in Wetland Ecosystems Across Habitat Type and Core Incubations” Proc., 2021 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, (Virtual)

71. Owusu*, C., Snigdha*, N. J., Martin*, M. T., & Kalyanapu, A. J. (2021). Hydrologic Monitoring And Assessment of WRP Easements In Tennessee & Kentucky. Proc., 2021 NRCS-TNC WRP Monitoring Conference, (Virtual)

70. Owusu*, C., Snigdha*, N. J., Martin*, M. T., & Kalyanapu, A. J. (2021). Reconstructing Historical Wetland Surface Water Dynamics Through Remote Sensing And Cloud Computing. Proc., 2021 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere.


69. Arms*, M. Datta, T. and Kalyanapu, A.J. (2020). “Data Collection towards Understanding Stormwater Management and Flooding Issues in the Town of Gainesboro, Jackson County, TN”. Posters at the Capitol, Nashville, TN.

68. Arms*, M. Datta, T. and Kalyanapu, A.J. (2020). “Investigating Stormwater Management and Flooding Issues in the Town of Gainesboro, Jackson County, TN”. 29th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Nashville, TN. *Accepted but cancelled due to COVID-19*

67. Owusu*, C., Snigdha*, N. J., Martin*, M. T., Kalyanapu, A. J., & Murdock, J. (2020). Hydrologic Monitoring to Assess Restoration Success of WRP Easements in Tennessee And Kentucky. Proc., 5th Annual West Tennessee Water Symposium, Jackson, TN

66. Brackins*, J. Kalyanapu, A.J. (2020). “Evaluation of tropical cyclone flood discharges estimated with rainfall from parametric models for flood risk studies”. Proc., 28th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Nashville, TN.


65. Bhuyian*, M. N., Dullo, T. T., Kalyanapu. A. J., Gangrade, S., and Kao, S. -C. (2019). "Application of Geomorphic Correlations for River Bathymetry Correction in Two-dimensional Hydodynamic Modeling for Long-term Flood Risk Evaluation", World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Pittsburgh, PA, May 20, 2019.

64. Murdock, J., Kalyanapu, A.J., Webb, L., Veum K., Bauman, K., Whiteman, H., Flinn, M., Walker, D., Morris, S., Baxley, D., Cripps, R., and Gilland., D. (2019). “Assessing the Restoration Success of the Wetland Reserve Program in Western Kentucky and Tennessee”. 4th Annual West Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Pickwick Landing State Park Inn & Conference Center, Counce, TN, February 27-28, 2019.  

63. Brackins*, J. Kalyanapu, A.J. (2019). “Comparison of parametric rainfall models of tropical cyclone rainfall for flood risk studies”. Proc., 28th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Nashville, TN.

62. Dullo*, T. T., A. J. Kalyanapu, S. Gangrade, Md Bulbul, S., T. Hines, S.–C. Kao, S. Ghafoor, and K. Evans (2019), High-resolution modeling of Hurricane Harvey Flooding for Harris County, TX using a calibrated GPU-accelerated 2D Flood Model, 28th Annual Tennessee Water Resources Symposium (TWRS), 2019, April 10-12, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN.

61. Dullo*, T. T., S. Gangrade, Md Bulbul, S., M. Morales-Hernández, A. J. Kalyanapu, S. Ghafoor, S.–C. Kao, and K. Evans (2019), Modeling of climate change induced flood risk in the Conasauga River Basin, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2019, December 9-13, San Francisco, CA.


60. Allen*, S., C. Guy-Baker*, C., Datta, T., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2018). “Web-Based Geodatabase for the Characterization and Management of a Karst Watershed,” presented at the 27th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Montgomery Bell State Park, Tennessee, April 2018. 

59. Allen*, S., Guy-Baker*, C., Datta, T., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2018). “Developing a Web-Based Geodatabase for Data Sharing and Collaboration within the Falling Water River Watershed,” presented at the 27th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Montgomery Bell State Park, Tennessee, April 2018.

58. Guy-Baker*, C., Datta, T and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2018) “Toward Development of a Systematic Framework and Watershed Quality Index Tool for Karst Watershed Management,” presented at the 27th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Montgomery Bell State Park, Tennessee, April 2018.

57. Bhuyian*, M. N., Kalyanapu, A. J., Papanicolaou, T., Ghaneeizad, S. M., Abban, B., and Wilson, C. G. (2018). “Predicting Future Flood Risk in an Agrarian Watershed in Northwest Tennessee” 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 10 – 14th December 2018, Washington, DC.

56. Dullo*, T. T., Gangrade, S., Kalyanapu, A. J., Kao, S-. C., Ghafoor, S. K., and Evans, K. (2018). “Reconstruction of Hurricane Harvey Riverine Flooding for Harris County, TX using a GPU-accelerated 2D Flood Model” 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 10 – 14th December 2018, Washington, DC.

54. Jackson, C., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Cervone, C. (2018). “Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Velocimetry Estimation” 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 10 – 14th December 2018, Washington, DC.

54.  Dullo*, T. T., Zamani, K., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2018). “Full set of tests for building reliability in 1D and 2D finite volume based flood models” Protecting and Securing Water and the Environment for Future Generations, 2018 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, June 3 – 7, 2018.

53. Brackins*, J.T., Davis*, A.J., Guy-Baker*, C., and Kalyanapu, A.J. (2018). " Comparison of HEC-RAS 1-D to HEC-RAS 2-D Model for Breedings Mill Branch Creek, Putnam County, Tennessee". Proc., 27th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Nashville, TN, April 11-13, 2018.

52. Kalyanapu, A.J., Dullo*, T.T., Gangrade, S., Kao, S-. C., Marshall. R., Islam, S., and Ghafoor, S. K. (2018). "Reconstruction of Hurricane Harvey Flooding for Harris County, TX using a GPU-accelerated 2D Flood Model for post-flood hazard analysis". Proc., 27th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Nashville, TN, April 11-13, 2018.

51. Bhuyian*, M. N., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2018). "Predicting Future Flood Risk in a Morphologically Active River - a Case Study in the Obion River". Proc., 27th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Nashville, TN, April 11-13, 2018.


50. Guy-Baker*, C, Datta, T., and Kalyanapu, A. J.  (2017). Toward Development of a Systematic Framework and Decision-Making Tool for Sustainable Watershed Management with Karst Geology. Poster presented at the Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors Research and Education Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.

49. Dullo*, T., Gangrade, S., Marshall, R., Islam, S. R., Ghafoor, S., Kao, S-., C., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2017). “A large-scale simulation of climate change effects on flood regime – A case study for the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin” 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12-16th December 2016, San Francisco, CA.

48. Dullo*, T., Gangrade, S., Marshall, R., Islam, S. R., Ghafoor, S., Kao, S-., C., Preston, B., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2017). “The vulnerability of critical energy infrastructures to climate change induced flooding: A case study for the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin” Creative Solutions for a Changing Environment, World Environmental & Water Resource Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21-25, 2017.

47. Bhuyian*, M. N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2017). “Assessing temporal uncertainty of SRTM DEM due to change in river planform and its impact on hydrodynamic modeling.” EWRI- World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21-25, 2017.

46. Brackins*, J.T., Davis*, A.J., Wilson*, S.E., and Kalyanapu, A.J. (2017). "Development of a hydrologic modeling system for the Dry Valley catchment, Putnam County, Tennessee". Proc., 26th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TNAWRA, Nashville, TN.

45. Bhuyian*, M. N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2017). “Assessing the Uncertainty of 100-year Flood Extent in a Morphologically Active River - a Case Study in the Obion River” 26th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN, April 2-5, 2017.


44. Kalyanapu, A. J., Dullo*, T.T., Bhuyian*, N. M., Stuber*, C. E., and Kaczmarek*, C. (2016). “Field Trip to Obion River System”. Final Report submitted to Dr. Chris Clark, University of Tennessee, Institute of Agriculture.

43. Brackins*, J. and Kalyanapu, A. (2016) Using ADCIRC and HEC-FIA Modeling to Predict Storm Surge Impact on Coastal Infrastructure. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016: pp. 203-212. doi: 10.1061/9780784479841.023

42. Dullo*, T. T., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Teegavarapu, R. (2016). “Comparative Evaluation of Standard NRCS Storm and Observed Rainfall Distributions” 2016 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, West Palm Beach, Florida, May 22-26, 2016 (Poster Presentation).

41. Ahmadisharaf*, E., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Lillywhite, J. (2016). “A Probabilistic Hydrologic Model to analyze the Uncertainty of the Design Hydrograph Attributes” 25th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN, April 11-12, 2016.

40. Dullo*, T.T., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Hawkins, S. A. (2016). “Investigating the performance of one- and two-dimensional flood models in a channelized river network: A case study of Obion River System” 25th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN, April 11-12, 2016.

39. Bhuyian*, Md. N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2016). “Developing Flood Consequence Correlation Using Global DEMs” 25th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN, April 11-12, 2016.

38. Brackins*, J. T., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2016). “Prediction of Storm Surge Impacts on Coastal Infrastructure Using AD-CIRC and HEC-FIA Models” 25th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN, April 11-12, 2016.

37. Poston, K. B., Reed, E., Munasque, L., VandenBerge, D., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2016). “2015 South Carolina Flooding and Dam Failures” Dam Safety 2016 Conference, Association of Dam Safety Officials, Philadelphia, PA, September 11-15, 2016.


36. Dullo*, T. T., Kalyanapu, A.J., Ghafoor, S. K., Marshall, R.J., Tindall, K. J., Anantharaj, V., Shih-Chieh, K, and Gangrade, S. (2015). “Computational performance of a MPI-enabled and GPU-accelerated two-dimensional flood model” 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 December, 2015.


35. Dullo*, T. T., Kalyanapu, A. J., Thornton*, J. C., Auld*, L. A., and Hawkins, S. A., (2015). “Investigating the performance of One- and Two- Dimensional Flood Models in a Channelized River Network: A Case Study of the Obion River System.” 2015 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, December 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, CA.


34. Dullo*, T. T., Kalyanapu, A. J., Ghafoor, S., Anantharaj, V., Marshall, R., Tatarczuk, J., and Shih-Chieh, K., (2015). “Computational Performance of a Two-Dimensional Flood Model in Single and Multiple GPU Frameworks.” European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, April 12-17, 2015, Vienna, Austria.


33. Dullo*, T. T., and Kalyanapu, A. J., (2015). “Calibration of Levee Breach: A case study on New-Madrid Floodway, Illinois, US.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015, May 17-21, 2015, Austin, TX.         


32. Kalyanapu, A. J. (2015). “Challenges and Advances of Modeling Flood Hazards in the 21st Century: Use of Gaming Technology, Monte Carlo Methods and Geo-spatial analysis for realistic predictions” 40th Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Broomfield, Colorado, July 19-22, 2015.


31. Bhuyian*, N. M., Thornton*, J. C., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2015). “Developing 'Flood Loss Curve' for City of Sacramento”, Mitigation on the Mind, 2015 ASFPM National Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2015. (Third Prize Award - ASFPM Student Paper Competition)


30. Md N. M. Bhuyian*, A. Kalyanapu, and F. Hossain. (2015). Estimating relative impacts for difference sources of digital elevation models for flood consequence assessment for extreme flood events, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015.


29. Ahmadisharaf*, E., and Kalyanapu, A. (2015). “Investigation of the impact of streamflow temporal variation on dam overtopping risk: Case study of a high-hazard dam” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015.


28. Thornton*, J., Clark, Y., George, D., Datta, T., Alamdari*, N., and Kalyanapu, A. “Modeling Impacts of Land Use/ Land Cover Change of Obed River Watershed Using Watershed Quality Index (WQI) Model” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015.


27. Ahmadisharaf*, E., Kalyanapu, A. J. (2015) "A risk and reliability analysis approach to investigate the impact of reservoir inflow change on dam overtopping." 24th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, April 1-3, 2015, Montgomery Bell State Park Burns, TN.


26. Dullo*, T. T., and Kalyanapu, A. J., (2015). “Calibration of Levee Breach: A case study on New-Madrid Floodway, Illinois, US.” 2015 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association (TNAWRA), April 1-3, 2015, Montgomery Bell State Park Burns, TN.



25. Kalyanapu, A.J., Ghafoor, S. K., Marshall, R.J., Dullo*, T. T., Judi, D. R., and Shankar, S. (2014). “Benchmark Exercise for Comparing the Computational Performance of Two-Dimensional Flood Models in CPU, Multi-CPU, and GPU Frameworks” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014: pp. 1322-1331, doi: 10.1061/9780784413548.133


24. Kalyanapu, A. J., Hossain, F., Yigzaw, W., Bhuyian*, Md., N. M., and Woldemichael, A. (2014). “Consequence Estimation on American River due to changes in PMFs affected by Reservoir size and LULC patterns” WATER WITHOUT BORDERS:  Sustainable Environmental and Water Resources Solutions for a World Without Borders, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014, June 1-5, 2014, Portland, OR.


23. Ahmadisharaf*, E., Kalyanapu, A. J., Lillywhite, J., and Thames, B. (2014). “Probabilistic analysis to evaluate dam breach methodologies on downstream flood hazard” WATER WITHOUT BORDERS:A  Sustainable Environmental and Water Resources Solutions for a World Without Borders, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014, June 1-5, 2014, Portland, OR.




22. Ahmadisharaf*, E., Bhuyian*, N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2013). “Impact of Spatial Resolution on Downstream Flood Hazard due to Dam Break Events Using Probabilistic Flood Modeling,” Proceedings of Dam Safety 2013, September 8 – 12, 2013, Providence, RI. (Best Student Paper Award from ASDSO)


21. Bhuyian*, Md., N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2013). “DEM Correction Algorithm to derive Synthetic Cross Sections for Flood Inundation Modeling for Cumberland River near Nashville”, 2013 Water Professionals Conference, Water Environment Association KY/TN, Louisville, KY.


20. Ahmadisharaf*, E., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2013). “Impact of considering flow velocity and inundation duration in flood management decisions”, ”, 2013 Water Professionals Conference, Water Environment Association KY/TN, Louisville, KY.


19. Ahmadisharaf*, E., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2013). “Impact of considering flow velocity and inundation duration in flood management decisions”, 2013 Student Research Day, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.


18. Ahmadisharaf*, E., and Kalyanapu, A. J. "Integrated 2D Flood Simulation and Spatial Compromise Programming for Assessment of Flood Control Alternatives", 23rd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TN AWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, November 4-6, 2013.


17. Bhuyian*, Md. N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. " Applying DEM Correction Algorithm to derive Synthetic Cross Sections for Flood Inundation Modeling for Cumberland River near Nashville", 23rd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TN AWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, November 4-6, 2013.


16. Bhuyian*, Md., N. M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2013). “DEM Correction Algorithm to derive Synthetic Cross Sections for Flood Inundation Modeling for Cumberland River near Nashville”, 2013 Student Research Day, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.


15. Alamdari*, N., Kalyanapu, A. J., George, D., and Clark, Y. "Evaluating the performance of AnnAGNPS Model in simulating surface runoff, sediment yield and nutrient loads: Case study of Obed River Watershed", 23rd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TN AWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, November 4-6, 2013.



14. Lillywhite, J., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2012). “Using Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the impact of hydrologic uncertainty on flood risk” 48th Annual Water Resources Conference, American Water Resources Association, Jacksonville, FL, November 12-15, 2012.


13. Kalyanapu, A. J., Hossain, F., Yigzaw, W. Y., Shankar, S., and Judi, D. R. (2012). "Probabilistic flood risk management using Monte Carlo based fast 2D flood model to incorporate uncertainty" 22nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TN AWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, April 11-13, 2012.


12. Schaney, C., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2012). "Understanding Flood Events in the Greater Nashville Metropolitan Area 1970 - 2010: Correlating Urban Growth with Analysis of Storm Water Discharge in the Cumberland River Watershed" 22nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, TN AWRA, Montgomery Bell State Park, April 11-13, 2012.


11. Judi, D., Kalyanapu, A. J., and Okhuysen, B. (2011). "Regional distributed hydrologic modeling using GPU." 47th Annual Water Resources Conference, American Water Resources Association, Albuquerque, NM, November 7-10, 2011.


10. Lillywhite, J., and Kalyanapu, A. J. (2011). "Water supply reliability assessment using Monte Carlo Simulation." 47th Annual Water Resources Conference, American Water Resources Association, Albuquerque, NM, November 7-10, 2011.


9. Kalyanapu, A. J., Shankar, S., Judi, D., Stephens, A., McPherson, T., and Burian, S. (2010). "Performance comparison of GIS-based CPU, Multi-threading and GPU enhanced 2D flood models." AWRA Spring Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL.


8. Kalyanapu, A. J., McPherson, T., and Burian, S. (2008). "Effect of Manning's n estimation approaches on hydrologic model." AWRA Spring Specialty Conference, San Mateo, CA.


7. Judi, D., Kalyanapu, A. J., McPherson, T., and Burian, S. (2008). "Use of GIS visualization and Google Earth mapping service to aid flood hazard impact decision making." AWRA Spring Specialty Conference, San Mateo, CA.


6. Judi, D., Kalyanapu, A. J., McPherson, T., and Burian, S. (2008). "Impacts of Channel Morphology Data Automation on Wide-Area Flood Inundation" 36th Annual AWRA Utah Section Water Resources Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.


5. Kalyanapu, A. J., Burian, S. J., and McPherson, T. N. (2007). "GIS-Based 1-d diffusive wave overland flow model." World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our Natural Habitat, May 15-19, Tampa, FL, ASCE. DOI:


4. Kalyanapu, A. J., Judi, D., Burian, S. J., Berscheid, A., Hodge, B., and McPherson, T. N. (2007). "Channel Morphology Tool (CMT): A GIS-based Automated Extraction Model for Channel Geometry." World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our Natural Habitat, May 15-19, Tampa, FL, ASCE. DOI:


3. Burian, S.J., Jung, J.-S. Jensen, M., Kalyanapu, A. J., Hooshialsadat, P., and Han, W. (2007). Development of new precipitation depth, duration, frequency maps for the state of Arkansas. Final Report submitted to the University of Arkansas.


2. Judi, D., Kalyanapu, A. J., Burian, S. J., Linger, S., Berscheid, A., and McPherson, T. N. (2007). "GIS-Based Prediction of Hurricane Flood Inundation" World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our Natural Habitat, May 15-19, Tampa, FL, ASCE. DOI:


1. Kalyanapu, A. J. (2005). "Flood Inundation Assessment Tool using GIS", Poster Presentation, ESRI 25th Users Conference, San Diego.

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