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Eun-Sung Chung, PhD

Dr. Chung is an Assistant Professor at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea.


His research interests include: Analysis of hydrologic cycle in an urban watershed under climate change and urbanization; Climate change prediction and adaptation using hydrologic modeling; Multi-criteria decision making, multi-objective programming; Fuzzy logistics and fuzzy systems; Integrated watershed management; integrated water resources management; Environmental planning and management for sustainable development; Decision support system for consensus building among stakeholders; Economic evaluation (state preference techniques); ; Effects of land use transformation and climate change; Negotiation tool for integrated watershed management and, Optimization including genetic algorithm and, Multi-reservoir operation system

Faisal Hossain, PhD

Dr. Faisal Hossain is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. For more information on his research work, visit:

Fernando Nardi, PhD

Fernando Nardi, civil hydraulic engineer with a PhD in flood hydrology from the Sapienza University of Rome, is actually assistant professor at the University for Foreigners of Perugia (Italy) in affiliation with the WAter Resources REsearch DOocumentation Centre (WARREDOC), and the UNESCO Chair Water Resources Management and Culture. Dr. Nardi’s research and consultancy activities relates specifically to the development and application of advanced GIS and 2-D hydraulic modeling software for urban planning, flood risk assessment, management and mapping. A fellow member the Honors Center of Italian Universities (H2CU) and team member of the flood modelling software FLO-2D, he has participated to several international research and consulting projects providing his professional services as flood, mudflow and debris flow specialist within water-driven risk mapping projects. He is the author of 10+ international journal publications and 30+ further published contributions in conferences on GIS terrain analysis for hydrologic applications and on hydrologic and hydraulic modelling for flood risk management and mapping. Dr. Nardi is an active member of the hydrologic scientific community in affiliation with the AGU, EGU and IHAS, also serving as reviewer in the main international journals.

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Water Resources Modeling and Simulation Research Group at Tennessee Tech University

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